Come home.
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The beautiful pathetic fae was awoken by hoof beats upon leaf litter and the snorts and grunts of a horse, one of the many animals that she feared. She was sequestered up high in an aged tree of oak that still miraculously held some of its leaves despite their orangey yellow colors they held against the still wind for just a while longer yet. In the short time that she had been alone the woman had learned a lot about herself and how she functioned as an individual. She had done a lot better on her own this time around than she had done before arriving at Anathema.

She soundlessly shifted her position to better see who it was that was riding near to the tree that she now considered hers but the blanket of leaves obscured her view whilst at the same time hiding her. Alaki's threat now seemed like a million years ago and she found that it didn't bother her as much as it had done when she had first seen him. Short snowy hair glowed with a lushness that came with pride and self confidence even a small amount. The holes of missing fur upon her front side and arms were no longer totally bald now, a short covering of fur about a centimeter long now resided there, a fact that she was glad of. she wouldn't be completely happy until it had all grown back however and she was shethed once again from the air's chill.

Although only a month ago in time, the death of her children was a fading image at the back of her mind. Oh, she would never ever forget them of course but they were gone now and there was nothing else she could do for them, better to let them lay in piece. Only a month and she was ready to move on and try again, such was her mind of thought, it was not that she did not care but that she saw no reason to dwell on that which she could not change. The empty hole in her soul would always exist but that did not mean she had to suffer until the end of her life.

Coyote ears pulled forwards as an all too familiar masculine voice whispered across the air below her. It had been a long time ago that she had scaled this tree and so her scent had faded from the ground and its bark, maybe that was why he did not smell her? She didn't know and she wasn't about to wait around until he departed. Standing on her branch she began to climb down the tree's height quickly finally jumping the last ten or so feet. She landed in a crouch as her legs absorbed the momentum, she imagined his face would be a picture to laugh at as she had literally dropped from the sky in front of him. The woman let out a wild, wordless cry and threw her arms around his neck.

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