It's kinda the way I'm feelin'
Its all so deep, and emotional and squishy. They should make this into a chick flick <3 It worked out really well that Savina could comfort Naniko and now Savina has been able to talk about her mom Big Grin
wc 521

Her breath came out in heaving sobs. The girl had worked hard to try her best not to think about how her mother had died, much less actually saying it out loud. She knew that it was going to effect her, but she had no idea it would be this bad. It was almost as if she had been taken back to the very moment she had seen the ledge crumble and her mom disappear. Savina had cried harder then than she had during her entire life. Right now wasn't quite as bad, but it was definitely a close second. As soon as she felt Naniko's arms wrap around her she nuzzled into her fur, welcoming the comfort. As the Andromeda whispered her words to the distraught Corvus her sobs became less and she began to calm down. What she said made Savina feel much better, along with the fact that she had finally been able to talk about. The jet-black wolfess didn't have any idea what damage having it all bottled-up had done to her until it had finally gotten off her chest. In her heart she knew that what Naniko was saying was true.

Still nuzzled against her friend's body she finally collected herself enough to talk. "Thank you. For your comfort and your words. Also for listening. I...hadn't talked to anyone about what happened before now. I know now how much it was eating away at me." She took a deep breath, helping to slow her heart rate back to normal. "She did know how much I loved her, and I know how much she loved me. I know that she would be happy that I've found a new life here and new friends, such as yourself. And when my time comes to leave this life, I won't be afraid, because I will be able to be with her again." A soft smile crept its way back onto the femme's muzzle. She could almost see her mother smiling down at her now. The darkness that had been covering and choking her since her mother died had been lifted and the light shone on the wolf once more.

Slowly she pulled away from her friend's embracing arms and looked at Naniko, the happiness once again present in her green eyes. "You are such a great friend Naniko. I will never be able to thank the heavens enough for sending me here to meet you." Savina placed her night-dark paw over Naniko's snow-white hand. "I promise that I will always be here for you as you are always there for me. I will help you and this pack with all my strength and heart." She was making an oath. To Naniko, to Twilight Vale, and to herself. And as long as it was within her control, that oath would never be broken. "I also want you to know her name, my mother's name. Amata. It means "beloved" in Italian. She definitely lived up to that name." It was true. Even if it hadn't been true of Serge, it had been true of all of her children, Savina most of all.


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