The empty House
((Unless Sky chases after him, I think we can call this done after your post?))

Liam recoiled as the black shape came racing into the room. The butterflies stirred angrily, and Liam's eyes narrowed. He heard Sky's words, though they came slowly, as if through water. Tameri... adopted. He slid off the bed, his golden eyes not leaving the solemn blue gaze of the black female. She was his test. He could feel his mind warring with the butterflies. He pulled his gaze away, licking his dry lips. He swallowed, then spoke softly.

"My father and I take pains not to speak to one another. I have no patience for lectures, and he has no heart for me, since I remind him too much of my mother." Tameri moved, and his gaze fixated on her as if she were a cornered rabbit. His nostrils flared and his pupils contracted. He took a step toward her, the image of her broken body so vivid in his mind, it was as if it had already happened.

And then he blinked, and there she was, huddled against Sky, staring at him as if she had seen the thought in his head. He drew in a ragged breath, then spoke quickly. "It's time for the cow's milking. I need to go." He beat a hasty retreat, the door to the house slamming shut behind him.

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