backwards marathon
Yay! I do not fail!
wc 430

She watched and listened as her young pupil deciphered her sketches and tried to come up with the words. The jet-black femme was impressed, he already knew quite a bit she could tell. He already knew most of the base, it was just specifics that he needed it appeared to her. When he had finished Savina gave the youngster a big smile. "Apollo molto buono!" She gave the light colored pup a soft pat on the back with her paw. "That was very well done. You have a very good base to start with. Let me help you with some of the specifics." She pointed to the raven drawing. "I know its hard to tell, but I attempted to draw a raven. You were correct by saying 'un uccello' for bird. The word for raven is actually the same as it is in English." Then she moved to the river pictures. "Once again, you were correct in saying 'acqua' for water. The Italian word for river is fiume. Fiume." She repeated the word to make sure he caught the pronunciation and everything correctly. Of course she would always help remind him if he needed assistance.

They moved on to the next illustration of the coast. "I was very impressed that you knew the word for the shore, 'il puntello'. Another way to describe it is the coast, or la costa. La costa." Now the mansion. "You were correct again, that is our house. It is also a mansion, castello. Castello." She moved to the picture of the mountain, which he seemed to have had the most trouble with. He had the basic idea though. "You were almost right with this one. It is a mountain, montagna. Montagna." Last was the wind. She was happy that he had been able to decipher her drawing, she would not have faulted him if he hadn't. "This is indeed 'aria'. It is also the wind, or vento. Vento." Once again she gave Apollo a broad smile. He was very smart, she could tell, and he was already doing well.

"You are already doing well Apollo, and I can tell that you already know quite a bit. How about we try this. Are there other things that you can think of that you don't know the words for? We will switch our roles in this game. This time you draw pictures of the things you would like to know the words for, and when you do I will look at them and teach you their names." Savina stood back and gave her student room to work.


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