The course of true love never did run smooth.
OOC text

Zalen was nearly swooning as Titania spoke, thinking on his new found feelings for her and nearly floating above the ground as they moved together, and had she not been so swift to point it out Zalen would have tripped right over the trap. His movement hitched quickly as she explained what it was for and he shot her a wide-eyed look; Your father? Up until now Zalen had not thought much on his new love’s family, but now thoughts of an insane, trap setting father who ate wolves like him for breakfast and viciously guarded his daughter came to his mind. He shuddered inwardly.

Zalen’s interest peaked as the two of them headed towards the town. Before it was clearly in his sight he could smell things that were unfamiliar; smoke, cooking foods, other wolves. It was a strange cacophony of scents that he tried to sort through, but then they entered. Zalen was completely shocked by what he saw, having never been into the heart of any pack lands before; there were buildings here, hume buildings, and Luperci were living in them. Had his race gone mad? What were these wolves doing?! Or could he even call them wolves anymore… he was not so sure what they were anymore.

These thoughts boiled in his mind as they arrived at their destination; another hume building, dilapidated and ugly. She pushed open the rickety door much to her surprise and he warily followed her inside. This was the first time he had been in a hume dwelling, save the storefronts he had rummaged through in Halifax, a place he now avoided like the plague. They entered and were silent for a moment before Titania looked at him and spoke, he grimaced at her. This wolfess had grown up, even been born, in a hume infested world; how could he reach her if all he knew was the wild?

With a sigh he circled the room, sniffing the dusty shelves that were lined with books; he read some of the titles but nothing caught his interest; he wondered why he felt this way. Of all the hume things that he despised, books were not one of them. Having been taught how to read by his mentor, he had grown quite fond of the written language; something about it was intrinsically natural, and not hume at all, and that’s what he loved about it. He turned back to Titania, looking at her small beautiful frame for a moment before walking over to her and rubbing his dark head into the soft fur of her neck deeply, Let us leave this place; I respect that is the place of your birth but it was not right for us… He wasn’t sure if she knew what he meant by this, but he somehow felt she would.

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