The Road Calls
Amy had finally decided it was time to move on from the dead city. She'd had a lot of fun there. Amy had killed, met new people, and even built a new reliance with an old family. The time spent there had been useful to the extreme, even giving her some rare new items for her shop. It had been very successful for a time of rest. Now she was returning to the road, the slave bundled up in the back and her horse all hitched up. She spent a few minutes tying down everything, making sure nothing was left behind. Her newest toy was injured. With care she checked him over, making sure all his wounds were dressed and healing properly. It would be no good if he ended up crippled or died.

Satisfied Amy stood beside the horse and gently clicked her tongue. The broken beast began the shambling walk out. For some time they walked side by side, entering into a new plain with the ocean at their side. Breathing deeply Amy smiled. She'd gone to the sea as a child, and knew all about it's unique properties. Being near it brought back some good memories, like when she'd bullied some kid that had dared to try and touch her stuff. Whistling Amy walked along, her hair occasionally falling into her face. It was a nuisance, but the dog was too proud to do anything about it. Her feet complained about the touch of snow, but Amy didn't slow. She wouldn't let any weakness get in her way, even if it was her own.

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