devil's in the details
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Finally, it had come to retaliation. Rather than continue to let herself be kept at the awkward defensive stance, she took the initiative to make her own defense in a show of fangs. The bite to her hand was sudden and for a moment froze the steps of the Nomad as her contender leapt away from her to regain her ground.

Not soon after the shock had worn off, a beaming grin parted the lips of the golden Nomad. A soft chuckle rattling her otherwise still vocals. “Much better,” she praised, but again the luxury of a pause was to be had once their lesson had reached its end. Her legs may not have been adept for speed, but balance was certainly something they were capable of. She advanced again in swift, great bounds, shifting from one leg to another via the balls of her feet. Then with her arm raised, feeling the distance was closed enough to execute, she swung down hard for the bared shoulder.


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