all night doctors
There was nothing the tiny woman could do. She was at the mercy of their healer and even that didn't seem to bother her. She trusted the two males before her more than most of the rest of the clan and if they couldn't bandage her up then she had risked her own life for nothing. She had let her lilac orbs close slightly as she just breathed, halfway listening to the words the two males spoke when words came about. She hadn't been prepared for the sudden shock of the cold water that trickled onto her skin though as their healer began to clean the matted blood from her fur.

Her eyes flashed open quickly as she would have yelped if she had the breath to, instead she was fully alert and drawn to the slight warning that Enkiel gave her before the needle pierced her flesh. Her back arched as tears welled up in her eyes. Her tiny fangs were bared as she snarled. The sharp bite of the needle hurt worse than the strangers fangs had. The wicked tiredness that was sinking into her bones causing each stitch that was lain to feel a thousand times worse than what it should have. She closed her eyes and sank into the darkness.

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