devil's in the details
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ooc: 314 words

If only the Nomad believed such things to be true she might have fared better during conflicts of the past. But she was too honorable to be deceitful even if it was to preserve her own life. The teachings of the Exultare Nomad ran deep and were not so easily discarded simply for a better chance at living. She did not scold her companion for her way of thinking, rather she smiled as she always did while finally releasing her captured wrists. Graciously she took the female’s extended hand and pulled herself to stand.

She had become rather dirty in their little tussle but not to the point of matting or appearing in disarray. If anything was unkempt about her, it was the wild mane cascading every which way down her back and the lengthy banged yet again concealing her eyes. Stifling a growl the woman combed the bangs back again to meld them within the heavily tangled locks. But it was to no avail for even they were rebellious and let the shortened tresses fall loose around her face. She really needed to do something about this.

Her distracted mind was drawn away from her appearance to a rather irritated sound seemingly emerging from nowhere. The pangs of hunger sounded for attention, obviously having been worked up by an appetite. X’yrin looked down at her stomach then pointed a dark claw to her companion. “Is that you?” she inquired innocently, an almost lost expression on her face. Again the gurgle of hunger sounded, this time accompanied by a gnawing pain in her belly. The pointed claw was then turned at herself with ears fallen in embarrassment. “It appears to be me then,” she confessed bashfully. “I hadn’t realized I was hungry… Perhaps this as good of a time as any to have a break then, yes? Unless you’d rather fight my stomach instead.”


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