The sky's the limit

Word Count → 249 ::OOC: I am so absolutely horrifically entirely soooooorrrry for this horribly late reply and crappy ending to this post Sad

Annoyance washed over Shawchert. This man was blaming all luperci for the death of this brother. The large man shook his head. He sat on his hanches really wishing he could fold his arms, but instead he folded his ears midway to show his annoyance. This man was full of doubt and hatred.

“Pardon me for being blunt, but not ALL the luperci killed your brother. I have no idea who you are nor anything about said brother. Do not blame a whole group for what one did. There are good wolves and bad wolfs and just because one thing makes them different doesn’t make them all bad.”

He was frowning at the smaller wolf, though he was bigger himself. He had his first want to just rip into the man to curse him with what all luperci had. It had been the first time, but Shawchert controled himself as the man went on saying how despirate he was. Shawchert rolled his eyes.

“Then you need to make a better life for yourself. There is no shortage of wild animal not even out here in unclaimed lands.”

He couldn’t force the man do do anything but if he was going to be hostile towards Shawchert the large man would defend himself, and do what he could to prove he was no part of some big conspericy that this wolf seemed to think was going around with those who were Luperci

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Image © Nat! And Table by Noelle!


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