the queen of carthage
OOC: Literally the first time I've managed to remember to do account linking properly O.O -celebrates- +3

Ever the gentleman. Shandom descended to her level, and then lower, dropping his head in a lordly bow. She realised then how he always made her feel like some kind of princess, which she knew she was not. She was a flawed creature, and a lowly one. Her mother was powerful, but Caprica was not sure she was anything like her mother. She could only hope that her strength would rub off some day, and then she would deserve such a show of honour as this Arctic gentleman gave. One thing they did share was their size: the ebony lady was used to looking down on others, despite her current low opinion of herself. Shandom was tall, too, though - taller than her, she thought, but not by a lot. She had still never seen him in any other form than the lupus, but now they were both on four legs it was easier to compare. "Yeah, I meant to come find you sooner..." she murmured, regretfully. It had been a more light-hearted time that they had made their bargain, and it felt a world away: so of course it had been too long. "Had a lot on my mind," it was almost faintly an apology, but she was more sorry for herself than him. Of course he hadn't felt the lack of her in any way: it was her misfortunes and preoccupations she regretted, and her own fault she hadn't come to track down the enigmatic white wolf sooner: indeed now she was here, it had been almost a mistake, but there was no need to let on about that. Far from home? "I know... I was down this way visiting my father," she explained. "But we ain't far from yours, are we? I gotta admit - I took a detour when I found your trail..." she confessed bashfully, her eyes lowering and sliding to one side, but the grin that followed these words belied suspicion of any shyness.


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