drove through ghosts to get here
She wrapped her arms around her waist as she swayed her hips slightly, rocking from side to side slightly as he spoke, the call of the bird in the air still drawing her attention away from moment to moment before she gave up on listening for the creature. She grinned as he spoke of the reason he was here, she raised a brow and asked slyly. "A mission? Hmmm.." Twitching her tail softly against her side she turned to gaze down at the lands she knew before her eyes flitted back to him. "A super secret mission?" She asked with a persistant tone. She was rather curious as to what in the world this strange boy was doing in these rural lands.

Suddenly with the offer of a name and a gesture of greeting she smiled and placed her small paw in his and gave her own. "Firefly.." She gazed at his lovely eyes a moment as her own sparked softly before she murmured his own name once. "Ladon.." She wasn't certain what she thought of the strange name, but she figured he probably thought the same of her own weird name. She didn't think she was anything like the bug that was her namesake. She'd have to ask her mother about that oneday.

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