forsake not the assembly
OOC: Hope you don't mind Ayasha.

IC: Ayasha was doing he normal patrol of the borders when she came about a scent that she had smelt in awhile. Foxglove. She remembered meeting her with her mother before she could shift and learning that she was a scout. But those innocent times were gone and war had come upon them when they had not asked for it.

She cautiously approached, not sure how traumatized Foxglove would be. Or how happy she would be to see an AniWayan. She knew that she had trouble with the war sometimes but she hadn’t gone through being a prisoner. Though that might not be all that bad. She wouldn’t have had to deal with knowing the guardians were terrorizing the AniWayans. But she would have to deal with not knowing when punishment would come and being at their mercy.

She took a breath to steady her nerves and hoped Foxglove remembered her. She neared the female and gave her a soft grin. ”Hi, Foxglove. It’s Ayasha. You remember me? Are you coming back to stay?” She tried to keep back her questioning and only asked the very necessary questions. She wondered how she would react to knowing Ayasha was higher then her in the scouting tier.

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