I can't do this all myself.

We R donez?

Cer's reply did not surprise. It was a leader's reply - naturally one would put the wellbeing of the whole pack over the presence of one that caused turmoil. Even if it meant hurting one or two pack members. Haku had acted strange with her since she had spoken with him, perhaps the smartest thing she could have done was to just maintain the happy-sister-mask, so his universe would be complete with everyone bowing to his will, and watch him from there. Sometimes it seemed as if that was how he saw the world, and she knew he could be manipulative. It was too late now, it didn't change a thing, but she understood her leader's words. I understand. And I agree.. If a member becomes a threat to the pack he or she should go, regardless of family relations. Mew had slowly come to realize her relation to her rosea, as well. Perhaps that was what she meant. That regardless of their shared blood, she would exile Haku should he become a threat. Haku was her blood as well. Mew didn't know, nor did it matter much. Though she wondered whether Cer knew about their shared blood.

It was getting late, and Mew looked up to the sky, as if thinking. She looked back to her leader, green meeting blue. That was what I wanted to tell you, anyways... I better get going home, before it's too late. She didn't ask the leader's permission in words,but her body signalized it. she would stay if the rosea asked her to, and she clearly did not mean disrespect. Tail was low, and her neck bent, so Cer's head was over hers in height. Her face had a look as if she was asking even though her words had not. She suddenly felt awkward, but it didn't show. Perhaps Cer was angry with her for what she had done. She had started it all, she was the one who had been stupid enough to wander to Inferni land. The burden was heavy. But she hoped nobody but her and Hanna knew that exact detail, her aunt was the only one she'd told it to. She looked at her leader and waited. In time it would show if Cercelee was disappointed in her.


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