[M] Velocity
She was a moody little fae and this day was no different than any other. She had left Saol back in the woods and had started her patrol on her own. Since the exile of the subleader she had been twice as alert and temperamental upon the borders. She scurried like a rat through the undergrowth, her optime frame so low to the ground as she made the pass through the woods quickly. She was not renewing the scent markers today and wouldn't have even stopped in the area she had if it hadn't been for a call upon the winds.

The tiny woman snarled to herself as she turned off her course and moved towards the sound of the stranger. She caught the scent of the horse and woman before she cut through the brush onto the edge of their lands where the skulls gave notice of what the clan did to outsiders. Her eyes glittered like a feral beast as she called out from the bushes. "What do you seek in these lands stranger.." her small voice asked as her tiny frame remained in shadows, not yet presenting herself to this newcomer just yet.

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