Break Me Down

I meant to get to this sooner. <3

She was somewhat like a child, and Siv recognized this quickly. It was not her mentality, as it was with the man-child, but with her lack of experience in such culture. This perhaps explained why Salvia had been able to take her. Someone who had understood the implications and weight of such things would not have tempted their borders. How exactly Salvia had captured this woman still remained a mystery, but Siv’s duty was not to pry. It was not teach.

The slave smiled to show her trust was a lie. Siv smiled to show she knew it. One sharp claw worked and with another to aid it, cut the ropes swiftly. They were tight enough to not be undone elsewise. Siv’s show of trust was a false one—she knew that she was safe, and that this woman could not take her here. If anything, she might attack her and flee. Siv would not die. Of course, it would shame her if such a thing occurred, and so she worked fast to prevent such a thing.

“Tell me your name,” she said, tall form towering over the muscular body of the wolfdog. With her name, the training would begin.

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