For Thy Friends and Neighbors

hey guys! :> girls hunt! wooooo

Sage's body was not used to the four-legged form she used to frequent. Before moving to Inferni, she'd taken on her smaller, more agile form more often. Something about the place had made her feel safer on two legs, something that she had perhaps taken for granted. Still, it was not completely foreign, and she slipped into the form easily beside the fire that decorated the outside of her father's home. All four paws kneaded the earth as she stretched, cream-tipped tail straightening behind her with her wide, black-lipped yawn. A smile settled on her face then as she licked her lips, finding her mouth --not surprisingly-- dry. The lithe, winter-furred fae stood to shake out her soft tawny pelt, freeing the debris that had clung where she sat. Her goal now was water; and soon after, food. Her young teeth were still sharp and white; the girl hadn't done enough of her own hunting in a while, and she needed the practice.

Just as she'd set out, though, an unfamiliar call made her large ears stand erect, understanding that she was invited to join. Excited now at the prospect of meeting more of her new family members, Sage rushed forward, following the scent and the sound. Four paws beat against the ground crushing dead leaves beneath her blackened pads, her tongue lolling in anticipation until her view opened up from the forest into the great Dahlia Valley.

It wasn't long before she came upon a woman her equal and a superior, and Sage slowed her pace, yipping a greeting as she walked up. "Hello, ladies; namaste," she cooed softly with a bow of her head as she waltzed forward to sit properly before the Kozan, beside her fellow. She realized sadly how thirsty she still was; but it would have to wait. "What a lovely day for a hunt; Mother has spoiled us," she said casually with a smile, wide golden eyes staring about at the expansive, dense Valley. It was a splendid sight, even in the winter.

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