New Love
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OOC: I forgot to mention in my last post Leon grabbed his clothes before they left, so let's pretend I did and he didn't just leave his clothes behind... lD

Trigger was as pleased as he could be at the moment; Leon came back with a meal that would last them both for days and a new friend! A girl, too. Trig was too young to realize his brother swung both ways and he didn't understand the young man's complex moral codes and his deep respect for females but not males. He didn't even understand the concept of a male being with a male quite yet, although this past month he found himself gaping at some of the handsome local males that they happened across. He didn't think too hard on it, though, although he found himself giddy at the aspect of this sweet new girl being Leon's girlfriend. They were already cute together, he thought, and as he ate he couldn't help but glance between the two of them, letting out a rather girlish giggle when Terra licked his forehead. He managed to catch her chin before she moved away. Then he shoved his face greedily back into the carcass, snapping up mouthfuls of meat that looked too large for his skinny ass to swallow and keep down.

Leon only thought of he and Terra as potential great friends. His flirting was more harmless than anything. But, hell, if she grew wise to the not-so-subtle-or-totally-harmless advances and he had a chance to tap that, he probably would. Maybe only if there was a chance it wouldn't ruin a friendship, which it might since she was only a few months older than him. "Neither of us would mind havin' ya." He leaned down to nuzzle Trigger before excusing himself for a moment to shift back into his optime form and change back into his clothes behind the cover of the bushes. He reappeared as he wrapped his scarf around his neck. "What pack're y'in?" Trigger looked up from stuffing his face to curiously watch Terra for her answer.

Leon speaks Trigger Speaks


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