Of Wolf and Man
the best thing one can do when it's raining
is to let it rain.

Word Count → 416 :: Hiya! Hope you don't mind me joining. :3

It had been a few weeks since the hog hunt, and Wayne was finally well enough to head outside of the territory. The man hadn’t done very well cooped up in his and Dixie’s room, especially when the small Samoyed mix had departed, leaving behind enough to eat and drink until he was well enough to get up and find something himself. Without his constant companion around, there had been little to take his mind off the soreness he’d suffered from the hunt.

He still ached when he bent certain ways, but astride gentle Fern, walking through the fertile, winter-dusted fields of the small village, the Labrador was feeling a lot better. He stroked the horse’s neck as they walked, riding with minimal tack. Occasionally he’d tug on her mane to bring her attention to something new, but for the most part he simply sat on her wide back, letting the mare decide where she wanted to go. Her colt had been taken from her, and while he knew that Dixie would find a good home for Bark, he wasn’t sure how the equine mother was taking this. Perhaps the slowness of her gait could be more attributed to her sore rider than any kind of melancholy.

He whispered a “whoa” to make her stop, patting her chestnut shoulder and glancing around at Wolfville. He could see the harbor in the distance, as well as the shops lining the roads—but what interested him most were the fields that spread across this part of the land. Many looked good for farming; evidence of fertile soil and wild crop plants told him that. While more of a livestock rancher, he did know the very basics about raising vegetables and had developed a taste for them in his youth. Perhaps, if the pack had enough members to expand, they could claim territory out this way; it would be very useful to have land to grow things on, in case there were gardeners among their ranks.

Intent on checking the place out, Wayne nudged his heels lightly into the mare’s flanks and urged her forward again. Her hooves clopped briefly on the pavement before thudding muffled in the grass, and the cowboy kept his ears perked for any other footsteps while his eyes scanned the area. This looked promising; he might have to grab a few others of the pack to come out this way and see if there was anything to salvage in the buildings or the fields.

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