Dream Is Collapsing

wc: 713

Frodo was just a boy. He wasn't that sensible, and not that much older than Terra herself. It was probably not a good time to remember now that he'd only killed a couple of pigs in his life, all with arrows from afar. He'd never tried this technique on them before, only with elk. Little did he know how stubborn they were when up close. A startled cry erupted from his lips as he watched all go wrong when Terra attempted to herd the hog towards him. He snorted angrily and leapt up, thinking quickly, as quickly as he could. It had now become dangerous, and Terra's life was at stake. With little experience she would become victim to the hog's tusks, and he was no medic. GO! ABANDON SHIP! SKEDADDLE! HARUMPH! I'LL BE WIT' YOU INNA JIFFY! he called out in a loud voice while being preoccupied, searching for flashes of silver.

As quick as he could, he followed their scents back to their original meeting place. In less than five seconds, he'd shifted back to Optime and had plucked two feathered arrows from the quiver that lay on the floor. With all speed, he ran quickly back to the hog. The warthog was still for now, but it looked like a bull ready to charge, scraping cloven hooves against the ground in all anger. Oi, ye great big warty so and so! Over here! Yer, you! he shouted, waving his clutched fists in the air. And the hog ran straight for him, tusks out and ready. Frodo stood his ground. And then at the last minute, he had leapt clean over the hog, pivoted mid air, and landed astride it like he would ride a horse. In the breadth of a second he had plunged each arrow into either side of it's neck, while keeping hold with his thighs as the hog bucked worse than the strongest cow at the rodeo. Because of the pig's size, his feet dangled almost to the floor as he rode it, and it was uncomfortable indeed. But he didn't have to stay there for long. The man pushed up with his palms, doing a somoursault off the back of the pig, landing smoothly a few paces behind as it let out cries of pain before tumbling to the ground. It twitched as it lay, and he scrambled over, ending it's pain by pulling out both arrows and plunging them into it's scaly chest. The life in the creature subsided. Frodo was victorious. And it had been a very entertaining show indeed. But he didn't see it that way.

Man, Terra, so sorry 'bout that, my girl. he turned to her, walking over. Good job anyways. You hurt? he was about to slap her on the back in triumph when he realised he was still covered in blood. Gingerly, the man clenched his bloodied fists together. 'Nother time, Terra, 'nother time. I tink it's time to wrap dis up, now. his paled eyes surfaced to their normal intense green state, and he was calmed and no longer on edge. A few ragged breaths escaped him as adrelaline subsided, and he looked at the pig, it's pallid skin wet with many wounds. Needin' to shift this snoozin' mucker pronto. Lemmie get my stuff, I'll make him into leetle packages and be off with half for me pack, you can 'ave the rest. he smiled cautiously, hoping she wasn't too badly hurt, on the inside as well as out. The boy ran towards where his cloak and bandana lay from the shift, he fastened them both, as well as the golden ring that hung from a chain. He inhaled the salty air and retrieved his oaken bow, which he slung round one shoulder, quiver which he slung round the other, and belt/sheath which was wrapped smugly round his waist. The man trotted back to the battlefield, ready. Fully clothed now he bent down over the fallen beast and got to work; first retrieving both arrows and cleaning them before putting them back in the quiver, and then with the dagger at his hilt, breaking the meat into separate sections which he would bring back to AniWaya and cure from there. He much preferred cooked meat to raw.

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