Winter's Approach
Amy watched Merlin rush off with a disinterested gaze. It didn't matter to her what the man was doing. The words of breakfast were encouraging, but hunting was easier said than done. The wolf returned with a dead fawn. She was surprised to see that it was so young, but the meal was definitely welcome. Amy didn't hunt herself, being preoccupied with more complex things in life. Sure, Amy could easily bring down a deer and the like. She just considered it a waste of her resources when they were better spent getting slaves and hunting down those who betrayed her.

Smiling she knelt down in the snow, the blood staining it red. Amy drew one of her daggers from it's sheath and neatly sliced it open. The warm flesh steamed as it was exposed to the cold. I am, thank you. With care she carved the fawn up, slicing it into chunks they could easily eat. Amy made sure not to stain her fur with the blood as she worked, making her movements slower than they could have been. It was done though, and Amy lifted the liver to her mouth. Swallowing it down she smiled. That was her favorite part next to the heart, so tender and juicy.

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