Just for your attention


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Terra chuckled quietly to herself as the pup promptly declared herself it and spun around to tag the toy. The pup was so young, still believing that the toy had a life of it's own. Smiling she watched the pup's surprise at seeing Terra there. The puppy alternated between fear and curiosity, a rather healthy reaction in Terra's opinion. After all, not all adults are safe. She would have been worried if the pup had just clambered up to her, or if it had cowered away in fear. Neither were good for the puppy's health. A mix of the two was just right.

Terra wagged her tail, crouching down in her lupine form. She held her ears at half-mast, making it clear she wasn't a threat. Hello. Can I play? A game of tag with the small puppy would be a lot of fun, as long as Terra wasn't too rough. She was small, but could still easily squash a puppy, even one much older than the girl was. She'd have to be careful not to hurt the girl. Even if the pup turned her down though, Terra would still stick around and watch the girl. She didn't want anything bad happening to her.

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