Alligators in Canada
Actually, I have already mapped out a semicomplex sequence of events as to just how my character managed to bring a alligator into Nova Scotia. Elias, having lived in the bayous of Louisiana just outside the city of New Orleans for the majority of his life, will have had frequent run ins with alligators. It is also plausible, considering that he is much more educated then the normal "feral" luperci, that he might have experimented in teaching himself at least the rudiments of communication with said alligators. I never intended to keep the alligator as a pet, hence the usage of the word companion. I intend for my character to gradually spark a relationship with this alligator that will eventually culminate in a freindship, with each one lloking out for the others back. As for how I actually got the alligator from point A to point B, it would for obvious reasons be ridiculous for an alligator to travel all the way to Nova Scotia from Louisiana by land in ny timely fashion. However, if I recall correctly the Souls RPG Guide points out that there is a very convienient port in New Orleans, eventually leading to Barbados which in turn has a route leading to Freetown just south of Souls. I intend to also have my charactr live for about a year in the Jamacia-Haiti islands bordering this route with an extension of his family, so he would be well aquanted with ships and have a variety of usefull contacts with which to use. On top of this, having been the head of a signifacantly large family of luperci who may be considered "wealthy" in the most rudimentary terms, he would have a reasonable amount of resourced to call upon to charter such vessels. Also, as the route borders the equator it would be reasonable that they would have ships catering to such exotic pets as alligators. The route north would probably cost more and be extensively far more difficult, but I believe it to be possible. In terms of the encroaching cold, Elias is going to be searching for a pack with access to hot springs are areas near hotsprings such as Anathema, and while he may be on time constraints as long as he doesn't take more than a week to find a location for the gator to hibernate, it is plausible it would survive.

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