all night doctors
The tiny woman had been lulling in and out of dreams. She had been tended to before by the healers of distant lands and it would not have surprised her to find that she had fainted. The Lykoi would not have been embarrassed that she had done so, nor would she care that others had been present. She had a strong will to live and could put up with shame and humility if it meant breathing another day.

Her dreams though took her to another time when a different male had been looming over her and helping to tend her wounds as the healers did the gory work. Her eyes opened slightly and closed again as she whined. "Níl mé marbh fós..." I'm not dead yet.... she told them. Her voice raspy as she tried to close her eyes again and rest. The pain was like fire searing her flesh but she had lived through this before too. She shuttered and shivered against the alien feel as she just wished that the darkness would claim her again.

Instead she opened her eyes once more, those grey lavender orbs focusing on the two males as she quietly realized that this all could have been avoided. She cast her eyes away from the healer and her friend for a moment as she wished that she hadn't been so foolish. She had let her pride take over and believe that she was more than just an apprentice in her ranks. She had scouted and spied before, what had changed so. She knew though, these were not the lands of old and she was just another body that could be sacrificed in the eyes of the enemy. A fierce fire began to burn in her soul, stronger than the pain that ate at her flesh as she would find her own justice... somehow, someday.

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