
wc; --- hi ^^

He'd gathered up a decent pile of sticks that were fat and hallow, similar to bamboo. Carefully, he applied them to his birds-eye-view plan, making the base of the hut. He didn't much want to be sleeping on the muddy ground, even with a roof over his head, so the wooden floor would be much appreciated. Frodo had just started constructing a section of the outer wall of the hut when he looked up to see Matteo approaching. Frodo dropped the dagger he'd been using to cut up the wood and straightened up, locking his eyes on the stranger and smiling with them as well as his maw. Makin' a hut. he replied, grinning wolfishly. Can't be livin' in the stables all my life, can I Sidney? I'm not a pony or nuthin'. Gotta save my holey ghost and bacon before I end up swinging from a hook, you get me? his efforts looked quite alright for the moment. He was no craftsman, being a hunter at heart, but he was fair with his hands and was familiar with making huts. Being a gypsy most of his life, he'd travelled on carts, but now and again they'd stop for some trading and market, and have to set up a little camp for a couple of months; just like the aniwayan village. So he knew how to make a basic structure of a home.

Frodo Silvertongue, by the way. Tsisdu Kanati. Yeeeep. he held out a curly black hand, stretching it towards Matteo in form of greeting. He'd met a lady before who hadn't known what to do with the hand, and Frodo hoped Matteo did; shaking hands was a custom he was familiar with, had grown up doing. He turned back to his makeshift hut, craning his neck this way and that. It probably needed a good hour more before it even started to look like a hut. It was a start, though. What I got 'ere is the lower platter-form, see? he gestured to the flooring of the hut with a swish of his hand. It was about five meters times five meters. Plan to have it as tall as me... which isn't very tall, I know, don't be takin' the mick...and eventually, the under-the-neath will be sheltered by a thatched roof. You gettin me skipper?

Frodo Silvertongue

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