Alligators in Canada
You are continually adding factors on a whim to win this argument. Just think about your argument, and I’m sure you’ll notice there are about a dozen flaws with it. Firstly, you have already stated that the ship is going to be cramped what with a gator and another luperci on board the ship. Factor in cargo, room for the crew and captain to sleep and you’ll find that there is probably only room for one or two passengers besides Elias. After all, as you yourself asked, how big is this ship? Once again I must also stress that any conflict would also be interrupted by the captain and his crew. Do you really think that they’d let a group of passengers on their ship run around killing each other?

As for the bad blood, you are assuming the captain, crew, and passengers are local. How many locals do you believe are willing to make a trip from New Orleans to Freetown anyway? In fact, some of the crew and other passenger may have bad reputations as well, but as long as they have paid their dues the captain, particularly a foreign captain, is not going to care. Certainly Elias might have to take precautions when he is in a local port, but once he is on the ship his reputation is no longer a problem.

Generally when you are on a ship the food is kept on hand. How else would you prevent yourself from starving? A captain is not going to leave port without any provisions whatsoever, or else he faces the starvation and eventual death of his crew. The provisions are usually separated from the rest of the cargo to provide ease of access on ships. As for the accessibility of food, I have been providing ample explanations throughout the entirety of my posts as to how it would be on hand.

As for the route itself, I have already emphasized that it is longer and far more dangerous than the other route for a variety of reasons, water currents included. Actually, it will probably have taken half a year to reach Freetown, so the voyage may have started in the Spring/Summer, which would explain why it is traveling when it should be hibernating. Just as you request I provide ample research to support my ideas, I request that you provide ample research for your arguments, which are obviously lacking in some regards.

I believe that this debate has accomplished my initial goal of proving that it is possible, however unlikely, to transport a fully grown alligator to Souls from New Orleans. However, I will concede that it is extremely unlikely for a luperci to actually go through with the preparations required to do such a thing. The discouraging reviews I have been receiving from the SA have also affected my judgment on the matter, and I am currently considering converting my plan to involve either a baby alligator or a raccoon as stated previously. I agree with their judgment that it would be much simpler to go with either of those two things, and am currently considering dropping this idea altogether.


I concur with your judgement, as I have had similar thought myself.


I had never even consiedered that, but it would certianly be a very good way to tie in the alligator into my character's history. Particularly since his family is very old and has had several generations.

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