You don't need to hide, my friend.
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Ahah XD We're so evil to our characters.

She had almost never run into bears in the past and had very little experience with them. Naniko was a large canine, but when put up against two bears...she knew she stood little chance of survival. Her weapons were nearly forgotten as she came into camp, the bears lumbering along quickly behind her. She wanted to make sure that Frodo got out of the area as well and hesitated when he told her to run for it, lingering in the bushes nearby. She did not want to take on a fool's mission and take the beasts on, but if Frodo insisted on it then she would have to at least give it a try. Naniko was no fighter, a fact proven by the many scars that littered her tall form.

A slap and resounding whinny made her focus her attention on his horse for a moment before she turned her gaze back to Frodo and what he was trying to do. Her mind couldn't make sense of it all for a moment; if he just left the meat there, wouldn't that be enough to distract them? She didn't want her new friend getting hurt by the beasts, but he wasn't running away just yet. She turned her head slightly to look after the horse next, noting the direction it had gone in. She could catch up with it, most likely...but was Frodo going to run, or continue to shoot arrows into the animals?

He looked ready to run and she gave a short bark to get his attention, gesturing wildly toward the direction Strider had run off to. Luckily, he'd headed straight for the cave system. "Strider went this way - we should be able to catch up with him if he stays on course...he couldn't have gotten far" She shouted, turning to run in the opposite direction. When she finally heard the snarls and growls fading off into the distance she slowed down slightly, putting her hands together above her head in an effort to catch her breath more easily.

Table by Jenny!

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