Whats a little pain?
Frodo Silvertongue

Don't apologize, I like his style >Big Grin

The way the tall man responded to his greeting was completely unexpected, and caught Frodo slightly off guard. This wolf seemed to be so different from his mate at first impressions. Despite what Saluce seemed to think, Frodo wasn't normally referred to as a hippy. He was, however, a gypsy though. And a boy, which was bang on from another of Saluce's thoughts. I know pain. He's an ol' friend o' mine. was the response, and then Frodo thought to add; I aint conquered nuffin. Neither mind nor body, friend. S'why I'm here. he said simply, meeting Saluce in the eyes for the first time. His own green optics blazed with a new found fire. Like every young man, the thing he above all strived to do was prove himself.

The answer to Saluce's next statement came quickly and there was an earnest and accurately stubborn note in his voice. No. he would not quit. When Frodo put his mind to something he would accomplish it. Either that or die trying. Dying wasn't something that had happened yet, thankfully. But when Frodo had wanted to learn to ride a horse, he had rode a horse. When he'd wanted to use a bow, he had learnt that too. Anything he wanted to do he would try his best at. The youth knotted his hands together and raised his ears just a smidgen of a level, daring to be just that little bit bolder. The next thing Saluce asked he had to think for a good portion of time about before answering. What was it he wanted? To conquer evil or simply to become like every strong male was? The short man straightened up and locked his eyes straight forward with a burning intensity as the answered formed in his intelligent mind. I want to protect myself, so I do. An' protect others. I want to be noble and gallant. I'm wantin' to learn from my mistakes and become stronger. I want to learn how to hold my own in battle. I want to be strong, captain. I want you to teach me these things. the short, clipped sentences were spoken with as much vanquish and valiant meaning as he could muster. Will you? he asked finally.

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