Look to higher ground
[html]Big Grin

There was a sound, a single thrush though the wood that caused him to pause. Standing beside the shire horse Alder looked through the dim light and the trees to catch sight to what had caused the sound. But sight and scent were weak while the wind was down just as the Sun fell too. Then, the sound was as distinct as the scent that came from the pair. It was a rider, the Marshal knew the sound better then any other. He did not have time to process the scent though, the white stallion and rider a vision between the trees and a greeting sang from an interesting tone.

The masked male took a step back, while Hawthorn grew curious quickly. His head moved up and down and a snort was heard from his nose. Alder said nothing, finding that the dark male had much to say himself and the tawny boy needed time to take it all in. It wasn't until there was a long pause after a sort of question that Alder opened his mouth, but he felt it dry and useless for another moment. No, I'm sorry I don't understand. He shook his head as he spoke. The other was a quick talker, and it was either his accent or the way in which he phrased his words that made Alder unsure of their meaning.


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