Then Came a Thought
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As expected, her words had brought him into the world of the living with nothing short of a comical scenelet. She watched with an amused, albeit sleepy, grin on her face as her mate tried to make sense of it all. Of course she couldn’t let him ponder on it forever since it was not truth but a harmless fib and she’d rather him not get upset by dashing his hopes. “Oh good, you’re awake,” she smiled while relinquishing her bulked form for one more sleek and defined. “I was beginning to think you had slipped away in the night…” humor had never been her forte but gradually she was learning to augment it to her everyday life as she became more comfortable with those around her, especially her mate who seemed to bring this side out of her.

“Although,” she continued with a tired sigh, not completely awake herself but not too tired to speak. “You should have been up well before me.” As for the reason why, she left to hang in the air for Saluce to recall for himself once he mind was more aware. From her knees she fell to all fours, crawling the short distance to the disoriented male to follow her morning routine. Forgoing her own preparation, she took to her mate instead, taking his muzzle in a gentle hold before he had a chance to complain and brought her tongue to the bridge of his nose. Routine strokes quickly bathed the man’s face ridding him of the night’s sleep to make him better aware of the day and of course, the adoring female he had taken as his own. The very thought of it sent her tail into a frenzy as she whined happily.

Such elation spread to her lips once her tongue retracted and his handsome face was left clean. “I am sorry to wake you like that, but you know how you are,” she tipped her head knowingly, hoping a smile would be enough to defuse whatever irritation he might have for her because of her trick. “You have a lesson to instruct, don’t you Shepard Saluce?” she inquired addressing him as she would for her mentor, as well as how she was addressed. “You shouldn’t keep your student waiting.”

ooc: 379 words.


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