you can have my soul for a dance


I spy with my little eye a Zana AW thread Big Grin

Helotes had found himself heading towards the Grottos today, meandering slowly in his Optime form. Today was a day of rest, since he had been training hard every day ever since his meeting with Halo. The succubus that she was made it difficult to focus at times, but her venom was a potent one, one that he wished to avoid at all costs. She was also a snide one, every small error was to be criticized and every triumph to be ignore; she was a tough trainer, but he was glad of her, he had already gained skill under her tutelage.

As he walking Helotes was afforded an easy meal, as a hare was caught in an old snare of some kind. There were no scents of any clan member around, so he guessed it must have been an old trap that had been forgotten. With a quick flick of the wrist he ended the hare’s life with nothing but an eerie scream that was cut short from it. He removed the body from the trap, already limp, the broken neck sticking out at a strange angle. Perhaps he should see if Zana was home, he knew she had been traveling outside the lands recently, but it had been a while since he had seen her.

He pondered their last private meeting as he quickly his pace towards her hollowed out tree; they had nearly broken the bond of friendship to something more, something much more sinister but much more exciting. Helotes had been dwelling on this often, in the times right before he fell asleep. Could it even be a possibility that Zana and he could have an semblance of a normal relationship now? Deep inside he hoped against hope that someday life would afford them the luxury of romance.

He was in luck this day and saw her digging a whole next to one of her cats and couldn’t help but smile. She had recently gifted one of the felines to Enkiel, much to his chagrin. Zana sure did a strange sense of humor sometimes. He made no attempt to sneak up on her, but as he approached her cat caught sight and disappeared into the tree, he chuckled, Hello Zana… He said softly, giving her a handsome smile.

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