you can have my soul for a dance
There was very little the tiny woman feared. She had played her young life with venom, poison and war and had somehow survived this far. In most eyes she should have been killed at birth, in others she should have died somewhere along the lines to adulthood, but she had the heart and soul of a survivor and she would not back down to anything, but even she knew when to watch her back. With Halo, many seasons ago she had learned that if she ever truly returned to the clan she would have to have one eye turned to the shadows at all times. She had been labeled a traitor, she had seen the hatred in the black hearted beast and known that only death would wait for her if she drew to close to the viper's fangs. She in turn had fashioned fangs of her own, filled with deadly venom and a heart of stone for the woman who once could have been her closest ally.

Now there was a dark shadow that loomed over everything she did. She had been placed in a tier where she didn't have to answer to the whims of the other woman.. and yet Helotes was her own warrior in training. What stood between them had been so delicate when it had began, now she feared under the poison and shadows of Halo it would dissolve and decay like life had never been breathed into the idea at all. She was certain the bitch had been whispering her sins and trials into his ear, darkening them, making them seem twice as dire as they ever had been.

Her tiny shoulders slumped as she continued to walk away, his words trailing after her as she pinned her oversized ears back. His words laid seeds of doubt in her mind that Halo had spoken to him about how horrible a traitor she was, but she let them slide past. She didn't even want to think of the woman and yet it seemed that everything since she'd returned from the clan meeting had circled around the dark creature. She had swiftly made her way into the small entrance to her den rather squirrel like as she let the darkness of her home envelope her.

The woman sighed and closed her eyes a moment before shifting slightly to where she could still see Helotes sitting so pathetically down below the entrance to her nest. Sup-sup chirped from the darkness beyond before swiftly trotting over and leaning his weight against her side. Her grey lilac eyes trailed down upon her dark toned cousin as storm clouds brewed behind their normal mischievous hues. "You'll fall from her graces tainting yourself with the likes of me.." She said in response, not answering anything, yet answering everything all the same.

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