you can have my soul for a dance


OOC ::

She looked so sad, so dejected, as she ignored his words and actions and climbed up into her hovel, disappearing for a moment. Helotes ears drooped again, and he whined once more. She then poked her small face outside to look at him, her eyes dark with things he couldn’t even fathom. She said something about him falling from Halo’s graces if he associated himself her and Helotes stood up, his head nearly reaching the hole, but it being just slightly out of reach.

Zana, I don’t know what’s going on between the two of you, but it has nothing to do with me. Halo is nothing more than my trainer, our relationship ends at that. She is not my friend, and I doubt she would have me as one. She has no interest in knowing anything about me except for my battle prowess. It was true, Halo was somewhat of a loner within the clan and Helotes believed this stemmed from her pride, her viciousness, and her relative lack of social tact. She had an air of being better than everyone else, and he felt that she only tolerated him for his bloodline; but then why not Zana? She was a Lykoi just as he. There was something that had happened in the past that he was obviously missing.

He peered into the hollow and saw the little feline purring up against Zana, and when it saw him it hissed. He drew away at this, looking sadly at Zana again, Please… He said softly, a bit of sorrow edging on his voice, Don’t push me away… He would fight for her if he had to, but he wasn’t sure he could forego his training for Zana. If she wanted to be petty and let her feelings for Halo interfere for her relationship with him, then there was not much he could do.

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