I'll Come Back, When You Call Me.

The more she looked at the boy, for he was just that, only a boy, the more she felt the bile rising in the pack of her throat. Jace had seen many atrocities in her life and had performed a few herself but always whenever she saw a young one like this looking so beaten and starved it made her maternal instincts shine out, not that they needed any more persuasion to come out with her children being born now. This male couldn't be more than a year old and certainly not a full grown adult yet. His panic as he awoke and huddled himself against the wall made her frown even more, his eyes were a brilliant shade of green but were misted over with fear and pain, the orbs were haunted as they looked out at the two Ichikan women. His love for his horse was obvious and admirable, not many would strive to think of their companions when they themselves were in such a neglected state. Before she could answer his question X'yrin was already there with the answer and Jace nodded, hoping that the horse would neigh or nicker or something to prove to his owner that he was unharmed.

Jace took one of the dead rabbits from X'yrin's care with a gentle smile and held it out for him to take from her.

"Here have this, you need to eat and drink. Your body is shutting down and you'll die soon if you don't." There was a soft almost pleading note in her voice. She didn't want this boy, this child to die, far from it, she wanted him to live. It was as thought she could see him wasting away in front of her eyes, getting thinner, weaker, closer to death all the time. It was so sad

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