I want your horror
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The intruding form of a supposed clan-mate attracted her focus as he materialized out of the shadows; barely visible as anything but a weakly outlined form of darkness. All senses spiralled in on him now – it was uncommon to see others out and about at this hour. She couldn’t guess which world he clung to though; if he walked with the shadow of night or stalked the daylight with his shaded hues. What the female knew was that she didn’t know him, though his scent was one that had settled in the mansion. The old human building was reeking with its inhabitants now, and the peace she had enjoyed so the first few months after she first had come to Inferni was nothing but a fond memory. Cursed bastards.

He spoke, and enlargened pupils set in scarlet targeted his face and frame, invisibly appreciating the evidence of battle carved into his flesh. Well, well, well… A hunger flared within her chest, though red eyes narrowed with the disapproval of the way he instantly stuck his nose into something that wasn’t his business. He should know who she was, but she doubted he did. No one seemed to know who Halo Lykoi was and what she was capable of. Ezekiel’s hold on her wasn’t necessarily as secure as he might think.

”That's none of your business, as far as I’m concerned,” she replied as she let go of her aching limb. To the point, and not so sweet. Her appearance was the opposite of the soul inhabiting it, and unfortunately, everyone seemed to learn this. Silas had once guessed there could be something more to her than rot and filth, but he was no longer here. Surely, that more than answered her question, didn’t it?

But now when the male with the intriguing eyes had decided to interact, she was unwilling to let him go immediately. After all, he was family, wasn’t he? Halo was known to love her relatives, occasionally. ”You are Helotes' brother, right?”

Your faith walks on broken glass

Halo Lykoi


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