I've been down this road and back again...
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Soran had realised how much pain Conri must have been as soon as she had heard the past tense that was used when describing his children. Up until very recently the lady had not known the love that a parent felt for an unborn child, she had not wanted her first two litters, in fact she had begged, bargained, prayed for the same pool of blood that had ended her most recent pregnancy, she had wished everyday that she would awake to find that the problem was no longer there, it had been solved. For that's what her oldest litters had been to her before they had come into this world and proved to her that they were indeed marvellous beings with their own personalities and lives to lead, a problem. The ones that had survived had been determined little fighters, now Soran was glad of them, but when they had just been a bump that distorted her sleek form she had not cared for them at all.
But Soran had realised the power of parental love the instant that Mira had been expelled from her body, limp and motionless, the wave of grief that had washed over her body as she had looked down at that tiny, fragile obsidian form, broken long before its time, she had known what it felt like to love pups. And this time around, every time she had thought about the litter she was carrying, every time Akaro has rubbed his hand gently against her stomach her heart had fluttered with excitement and anticipation, the anticipation of being a mother and loving her babes. She would have been better this time around. But at least she had at least one strong, healthy child left, she was unsure of her other little ones, the ones she had recklessly abandoned an age ago. But her eldest boy, he had no comfort like she had, he had no one to turn to and be grateful to whatever god was out there that he still had one healthy perfect child left to love. He had fatherhood snatched away prematurely.
The unfairness of the situation made Soran's jade eyes well up with tears, salty droplets of pity, both for herself and Conri, they had both had the chance to love and bring new life into the world snatched away from them cruelly and without reason. A dull ache filled her chest when she thought of children and grandchildren that she had lost, of children that her son had lost. At that moment she would have given anything, even her own life to have her son's pups running around on this beach of fine white sand, anything to make her russet child happy, to bring life and happiness back into his seeminlgy soulless eyes.
However, the loss of his babes did not seem to be the end of the injustices that her boy had suffered whilst Soran had been away, the lady's ears flattened against her skull as he spoke. Naniko had cheated on him? Surely not, not her little Naniko who had been so in love with Conri and had in return loved in abundance? And with... with... hearing Lucifer's name was like a physical blow to the obsidian warrior, her eyes darkened, clouded by dark thoughts. How dare he? How DARE he. After all that he had already done, he had stolen Deuce away from Soran, taken her lover away and now this, hurting her son in such a cruel heartless manner, and potentially cheating on Deuce in the process. A lump of lead seemed to have settled in the ebony fae's stomach as she stared over Conri's shoulder, still holding him, her eyes seemed to spit fire as she gazed with burning hatred at nothing in particular. She was not claiming that Nankiko was not to blame in this situation, but Lucifer was at serious fault, and this would perhaps be the last straw.
Finally, after a long moment, a stagnent pause where Soran processed this information and allowed all of her visible anger to be forced out of her eyes, had it been possible, her gaze would have scorched the landscape, her fury was so intense. Eventually Soran trusted herself enough to speak, gently she pried herself away from Conri, sitting down in the soft sand, crossing her long legs, she motioned for Conri to sit across from her.
"Do you know how the pups were lost? Was it because of this... this threesome? Sweetheart I am so sorry, I know this pain and there is nothing like it. I am so sorry that you have to endure it. Soran finally said, choosing her words carefully, trying not to force her son further into the downward spiral of depression he seemed to be in.

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