Long be the road to fulfillment

So lost in her mental wanderings that the girl didn't even notice the scarred pale man sit down besides her. So busy staring into the depths of the flames that she didn't realise his presence until he began to speak to her. As he did the female looked up jerkily at him with her endless blue eyes opening wide, for he had surprised her really. A short gasp of breath made its way into her throat before she breathed it out gently, her racing heart already trying to calm itself. Her body turned as she looked at him throwing her almost bald chest and arms into perfect view, the deep lesions and welts throwing shadows in the firelight as she observed him curiously.

He didn't turn to her as he spoke opting instead to stare straight ahead into the flames as she had just been doing. The words he said, he spoke of the fire with such love and passion and then compared it to her. If she was able to the woman would have blushed as it was she felt the heat rise to the roots of her fur, perhaps a tinge of it showing on the lacking of fur on her chest and stomach, it wasn't often she got such sweet compliments, so obviously non sexual, it made her smile even as she shook her head to tell him he was wrong.

"No woman should look like me, battered and bruised, covered with shame and scars" It was all she said but it was a powerful statement that told a great deal of how she thought of herself. She shifted on the log a little guiltily, she had taken his nice comment and twisted it into badness. Her ears fell back as she realised this and her shoulders slumped down.

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