What a burden
Ookami's profile Jace's friend ookami has returned to InH just that morning so he's accompanying her on her duties while they catch up.

"I told you to stop apologizing to me and if you don't then I swear I'm going to hit you over the head with the mallet in the stables." The golden giant chuckled as his much smaller friend glared at him. "You'd have to climb a tree first shrimpy." There was a grunt and a low ow that came from the sunlight colored man as Jace punched him in the arm, he rubbed the area although it hadn't actually hurt him and sulked at her,

"Serves you right you lanky fucker." Deep laughter followed the offended hybrid and Ookami quickly caught up to his much smaller friend, grabbed her around the waist and swung her around in a circle, chuckling all the white as she screamed. He was enormously happy to see her again and wished he had never left, his time alone had been extremely depressing for the normally upbeat and jolly male. He had searched unsuccessfully for Adonia only to realise that she probably wasn't coming back which had furthered his depression but he was back now and some of his old life had returned to him after seeing his friend doing so well. She had children now! He could hardly believe this. He hadn't seen them yet but Jace had promised she would take him to see them when her duties had finished and that included several hours of work at the stables first, standing in until the absent Ma-tzu rank could be filled.

"Ookami can you go and check see if all the doors are shut, I don't fancy being trampled by horses today." The man nodded and opened the door, stopping when he heard a female voice speak out, the golden giant took a step back not wanting to scare whoever it was with his great height,

"Jace! There's someone in here." The grey hybrid stopped and made her way towards the doors, "What?" She wondered if she had heard him right, then she sniffed at the air and her easy going expression slid from her face,

"Shiloh? What are you doing in here?"

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