There's only butterflies

She was recovering, too, from her bites and scratch wounds...but she was more worried about Cercelee. Her cousin had been in very bad shape when she'd brought her here, and Ember didn't feel right leaving her there amongst strangers. Well...Naniko wasn't a stranger any more, she supposed, but Cercelee hadn't known her from the start like Ember had. It was these days that she missed Dierdre--her older sibling's sarcastic remarks and too-cool attitude always made her feel better, strangely. Everyone in Twilight Vale was so...nice all the time. It was kind of weird.

Eyes in the darkness before her made her own widen, and she took a step backwards. She wasn't interested in fighting, no matter how tough she talked. She'd only fight someone if they came to hurt Cercelee again...or her cousin Haku. She just wanted to protect her family, that was all. "I...I'm doing better, thank you." The young female's soprano voice came through the darkness, aimed toward the dark shadow that stood before her. "I was watching for coyotes. They got my cousin...she's staying in the packlands beyond the hill, Twilight Vale."


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