{M} The BFG
OOC / +300

At the first comment the male made Jazper chuckled a little, “Nah, I guess not. What fun would it be if we all were giants.” The world was only so interesting because of the different kinds of canines, in his own opinion. Moving further in into the house he looked at the seating arrangements, there was one very large couch and a smaller chair separated by a dully-colored rug. After the introduction Jazper was about to speak but was cut off very quickly as he felt a body slide between his legs and saw the red-coated wolf jump into a bow, a silly smirk on his face. A grin spread across the warriors face, such agility would make for a good warrior if he was willing to learn. “Well we can’t all be circus wolves either. That sort of speed would be useful in a fight.” The compliment was handed out lightly as he walked towards the coach, taking the bottle with a nod of thanks before swinging it back.

Sitting down beside the other male casually he leaned against the back, stretching his long legs out happily. Before his ears perked up and listened to Sebastian’s question. It was precisely the question he had wished to avoid but he could always get away with getting to the point instead of dancing around with details. “You're welcome.” He stated politely. “My parent’s were from Scotland, my dad was the next in line to be alpha after his father passed away but we moved to Canada before that happened. Back there only the largest wolves were allowed to breed.” Taking another swing the warrior was pleased to sit and drink again, no worries. His golden eyes turned to look the younger male over, “Where are you from?” It was always polite to return such questions.

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