Fires on the brink
She had been up late that day, and when the dusk began to grow over the lands she was startled out of her daily duties by the sound of a call she knew well enough was wolf, but was also blood. Ice ran through her veins as she recognized the voice as her fullblooded wolf sibling. She had only spoken of the woman to Helotes, and she had never mentioned her bloodlines to him, now the beast was at her door and her secret was about to be blown to the winds. She growled softly to herself and shook the softly drifting snow from her pelt. She was so not ready for this.

The small woman shifted from one form to another, the Optime form was best for travel and meeting with her sibling. She knew the woman prefered to travel in the same form and she needed all the height she could get dealing with her sister's barbed tongue and deadly remarks. She growled again, muttering to herself as she set off towards the borders to figure out just what in the world her damn wolf relative wanted. Last she knew she wasn't residing in the lands, llast she knew the woman was the bedwarmer of the pirate captain who had once lead the Court pack.. now she was just trouble at the border.

It took her nearly an hour to travel the distance from the deep woods to the beachfront where Firefly was sitting. She narrowed her eyes as she caught sight of the woman but didn't slow her approach. The small woman trotted out to the edge of their lands with a dark hued feline following behind her like a shadow guardian. Her words were brisk but not cruel as she asked, "Hello Firefly.. a bit dangerous coming here is it not, sister.." Her lilac eyes studied the metalic hues of her sister's pelt as she felt a stab of jealousy. The woman would always be a striking beauty, something she could only wish for.

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