Fires on the brink
Zana had always been DaVinci's shadow and Firefly knew that. She had watched the adoring look in the tiny woman's eyes even when she was a child and DaVinci had taken to mothering her. It only had seemed to grow as she had followed their brother to Ireland. Firefly should have been the peacemaker, the middle sibling, but no, she was a bitch and she let the world know it. She had suggested DaVinci take Zana on his quest overseas, hoping that somewhere along the lines the freak of nature would have met her ends but the fates were being cruel to the metallic woman and the pygmy hadn't died.. infact she seemed to have thrived in the wilds. Firefly was not pleased at all.

"Yes, of course.. but you would have, if he had asked.. right?" She said, taunting the woman with near babyish words as she shook her head sadly. "You.. loved him.. did you not" She asked. She knew the woman loved her older brother, but the answer she was looking for was on a darker level. Her eyes glowed with amusement as she flicked them towards the male for a moment as she sighed. "I returned with greetings from your family. DaVinci, Ryan and their children...but I doubt if you wish to hear such things.." She knew that Zana would be dying to know of what her hybrid mixed blooded brother and his mate and brood were up to. She might even tell her too.. if she was nice enough.

...But it seemed that the lovely male that had come calling didn't want to play along with Firefly's game and the woman tossed her silky curls over her shoulder as she rolled her eyes with a sigh. She yawned before setting her emerald eyes back on the beast. "Do you think I haven't heard such mindless yappings before mutt.." Her eyes were filled with wicked humor as she purred, ignoring his insults. "Inferni is not unknown to me.. I've spent time within these bounderies lass.. I know just where each and ever boundry lies.." She fluttered her eyes at him sweetly as she had turned away from the bastard of the clan, her eyes back to her favorite victim of all when his mocking tones fell upon her silky ears.

She sighed and kept her eyes on her sister as she answered the male. "Just to greet my sweet Sadira sister and to bring words of the world to the east back to the humble soils where we all began our journey." She purred, her words so sickenly sweet as she gazed down at her younger sibling, one of the few who never had shared the Sadira name, only some halfcast name of the coyote clan because their slut of a mother had no clue who the halfcast male she'd slept with had been. "Do you even belong here Zana..." She asked cruely as she watched and waited.

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