{M} The BFG
Sebastian smiled from his resting place where he sat, his legs tucked up neatly. "Hardly a circus wolf," he demurred modestly. "An acrobat, a gymnast, a performer, an entertainer... Not quite a circus wolf yet." Yet being the operative word. He was probably the closest thing that Canada had to a circus wolf. If only he had a few flaming torches and juggling skills. Still, his speed and agility did come in very handy on the rare occasions he fought hand-to-hand. Sebastian was first and foremost a peaceable wolf. A lover, oh god was he a lover, not a fighter.

Sebastian listened with rapt attention as Jazper spoke of his homeland. An explanation for his size and a very brief history as he drank some of the wine, taking two large swigs. Canada seemed to be full of wolves who enjoyed a drink

Then the expected question. Sebastian leaned back, stretching out his legs as the giant had done moments ago. He took another large drink straight from the bottle, licking his lips as the white on his muzzle turned pink from a few stray drops. Orange eyes focused on Jazper's bright yellow eyes and extremely interesting tattoo as he spoke.

"From the city of Sabini, where the humans called Italy. I loved the place; didn't care much for most of the people." Sebastian shrugged ruefully. "Still, I enjoyed my time there." For his next sentence, his words took on a deliberately slower pace. The lithe male's eyes focused on the wine bottle in his hand for a moment before he focused on that sun tattoo once more.

"The thing I miss most," he continued, his smile edging up into a smirk, "is the heat. Snow was once a novelty." Truth be told, Sebastian was unsure how to continue with his gigantic companion. Despite his friendly manner, his towering size was inevitably somewhat intimidating.

Out of curiosity, he stretched his arm out next to Jazper's. Bear-like strength and the lean power of a toned athlete. The difference was not especially flattering to Sebastian, but it did nothing to prevent his desire for Jazper's body. He didn't stop his eyes from wandering up and down that enticingly hulking body as he waited for a reply.

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