There's only butterflies
wc 332

Instantly she could tell that she had startled the young wolf. Of course you did idiota! Sneaking up on her in the darkness like that! There was a small pool of moonlight between them and Savina gently stepped into it so the young girl could see her. "I apologize. I did not mean to startle you. That was not my intention." A sheepish smile crept across her slender muzzle. "I'm afraid my wilder part got the better of me." Her tail began to wag happily. The wolfess was trying to do all she could to make the other femme feel at ease, that she was in no danger from two-year-old.

The female's ears pricked forward at the mention of coyotes. Savina knew of the problems with them, but yet she knew that Twilight Vale was a safe haven, and attempting to stay neutral in the fight. This was the first she had heard of a direct fight between a wolf and a coyote. Apparently the one before her had been slightly injured as well, but to the eyes she appeared in good shape. "I'm glad to hear you are recovering. If your cousin is in Twilight Vale you should not have any worry of coyotes coming after her. I'm a Twilight Vale member and I know that Naniko, our Andromeda, has made an arrangement with the coyotes. We do not trouble them and they do not trouble us. Your cousin will be left to recover in peace as long as she is within the borders." The Pyxis gave the younger female a warm, friendly smile to reassure her.

"Once again, I'm sorry for the way I approached you. My name is Savina, and I am pleased to make your acquaintance." The sable lady dipped her head slightly in a bowing gesture. "I was simply walking through the woods. I love to walk through the forests at night. When I caught your scent I thought that perhaps you would like to join me?"


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