Old Style, New Pack?
Hey everyone, I just wanted to post one more recruitment call in here. If anyone is interested in joining my potential pack, please PM me! We're close... so close we can taste it!

Plus, if you're a founding member, you get lots of goodie goos! Big Grin

In lieu of everyone PM'ing me about information, I will post the important info here!

1. New Dawn is structured in the old way of wolf packs before the spread of the virus, therefore shows of dominance and submission are expected. Wolves in a lower rank must ALWAYS show submission to the ones above them, this means lowered heads, ears and tails.
- Newcomers: Upon entering the territory to ask permission to join, outsiders must show extreme submission, this means getting on the ground and curling one’s tail under the body. Anything less than this show of submission will be taken as a threat.
- Pack members: Utmost submission must always be shown to the alpha and beta, however a less strict submission can be shown between other members.

2. Loyalty to the pack and its structure is expected and any insubordination or disloyalty will be punished with demotion or banishment.

3. Mate-ships are encouraged but must be approved by the alpha, the same goes for pup-bearing. This is to ensure the well-being of the pack and to make sure that overcrowding does not occur.

4. Those seeking a higher rank must show the skills required of said rank. If the rank they desire is already filled, they have the ability to challenge those within the rank for their spot. These challenges must be overseen by either the alpha or beta and a decision will be made based upon the outcome of the contest.

5. A strong bond between pack members is encouraged, and relationships with outsiders are discouraged.

6. It is the beliefs of this pack that Luperci are above all else wolves and therefore should behave more like wolves then like man. Most humanistic tendencies are discarded and this includes farming, livestock keeping, and dwelling within human structures. However, animal companions and human possessions, while perhaps frowned upon, are still allowed.


1.0 The wolves of this pack are trying to revert to the roots of their animalistic nature, before the spread of the virus. Therefore most humanistic tendencies are discarded.

1.1 Trespassers
New Dawn takes great pride in its territory and defends its borders thoroughly. Any canine found to be trespassing the borders without an extremely good reason will be escorted off.

1.2 Outsiders and Visitors
Relations between the members of the pack are more important than any relationship with an outsider and therefore guests on pack lands are discouraged. New Dawn members are allowed to have relationships with members of other packs or loners but are asked to meet with these outside acquaintances beyond the boundaries of the pack lands. There is no need to let outsiders roam inside pack lands as if they were members.

1.3 Species Prejudice
The wolves of New Dawn are to be wary of non-pack members but especially wary of non-wolves, most specifically coyotes but also dogs. Coyotes are believed to be scoundrels and villains and dogs as canine remnants of humans. While New Dawn members should generally be suspicious and avoid dogs and coyotes, relationships with these species are allowed but should remain on the down low.

1.4 Mate-ships
Mating rights are usually reserved to the alpha alone, however permission for mate-ships are given out upon the alpha’s discretion. The reason for this being that there must be some oversight for relationships of this caliber, for it is expected that two wolves mate for life and that their potential offspring bear good genetics.

1.5 Puppies
Puppies are a glorious thing and the whole pack should delight in the coming of a litter. However, permission must be given by the alpha for the bearing of pups. Bearing pups without the Alpha’s permission is cause for punishment and/or banishment. While this may seem harsh, it is a rule put in place to avoid infanticide and protect the well-being of the pack as a whole.

1.6 Rape and Murder
Rape and murder are strictly forbidden within pack structure. Both of these deeds are seen by the leadership as acts of disloyalty and disobedience that go completely against pack structure and well-being. Those who participate in either murder or rape are marked as pariahs and either banished or out rightly killed.

Leadership Ranks

1. Alpha(s) – 2
The leaders of the pack, these wolves make the decisions for the wellbeing of pack members and discipline those who go against pack structure. They also are the only ones allowed to promote members in rank and must be gone to for permission for most things, including pups. If it is not a single male or female then it usually consists of a mated pair, male and female, however it can also be a sibling or parent/child pair.
2. Beta(s) - 2
The second in command, the Betas are in charge of making sure all subordinate wolves do their jobs and are in control of pack morale. The Betas are usually the only ones who can take up the alpha position upon the death of an alpha.

Skill Ranks

3. Gamma(s) – 2
Gamma wolves are the eyes and ears of the Alpha and Betas. They serve as emissaries to the other packs, scouts and knowledge keepers. These wolves must be skilled in both low and high speech, reading and writing ability and have calm temperaments. The Alphas usually seek out these wolves for advice and counsel.
4. Delta(s) - 4
Delta(s) are the babysitters, midwives, and healers of a pack and are in charge of taking care of pups if the parents’ duties are needed elsewhere as well as the sick and injured. This rank is usually exclusively held by females who must be caring yet able to protect the pups in case of danger, however a male may become a Delta if they exemplify the qualities of the rank.
5. Epsilon(s) – 6
Epsilons are the warriors and hunters of the pack. Usually these wolves must possess exceptional strength, agility and strategy prowess. This rank is usually exclusively held by males, however a female may become a Epsilon if they exemplify the qualities of the rank.

Subordinate Ranks

6. Subordinates(Subord for short) – Unlimited
This is the rank for all other members of the pack. Subords can portray skills of any of the above ranks and therefore should train with those wolves who outrank them.
7. Omega(s) – 2
The rank of Omega is one not be taken lightly. In the best of times the Omega has a positive role to play; they are the jokesters of the pack, always there to sooth anxiety, fear, and to relieve tension with play or mediation. In the worst of times they are wolves who have done wrong, are to be punished, picked on and harassed. Omegas are usually (but not always) wolves with less mental and physical prowess then the rest of the pack members.

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