You don't need to hide, my friend.
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I love your avatar :o And sorry for the lateness on this! Been out of the state <33 Powerplay is fine ^^ Grace is going to go after the bears with a few other pack members I think >_> lol. Also, Naniko's den is pretty big :o and she has shelves etched out into the rock wall that hold a variety of herbs in jars, random broken human objects..and jewelry. She also has a large bed that she dragged back from the city and there's a smaller room off to the side that the pups share.

She hadn't been anywhere near exhaustion, that was for sure, but it had been a while since the female had needed to run so far so quickly. The adrenaline was beginning to leave her already as they had gotten farther away from the bears, but his words spurred her to start running once more. He caught her hand and tugged on it, and she gave a small sigh and nodded in agreement. She didn't think that the beasts would follow them this far...but she hadn't had many experiences with bears. Maybe he knew them better. "Alright."

The female moved with long strides, flanking the male closely. As they neared the caves she caught sight of a figure on her right standing in shadow, a cream and orange female that she raised her hand to greet. "Is something wrong, Milady?" The canine called as they passed, following the pair into the cave. Once they had gotten inside, she turned to respond. "There's a pair of bears off in those woods...caught us by surprise. Frodo here may have injured one or both of them." The scarred cinnamon wolf had more experience with bears than she, Naniko knew, from the stories that Grace had told her since her joining. Such information would be of interest to the girl.

"I'll gather a few other canines and track them...we won't let them near the caves. I think four or five pack members should do it. We can attack from a distance with bows or spears...and lead them to one of the pits if that pleases you, Angela." The female said, her blue eyes boring into Naniko with anticipation. The Angela gave one quick nod, and the girl was off. It was the only way to fully ensure the pack's safety, especially with her children being at the age where they would be running around through those woods.

Grace went past them into the caves, speaking with a few other pack members before leaving them for the cover of the woods once more. Naniko realized that Frodo had asked her a question and blinked a few times before clearing her throat. "I feel..alright." It was then that she noticed something, a throbbing pain in her thigh. She hadn't actually looked herself over yet, and adrenaline had kept her from feeling much pain as they had made their escape. There was a deep claw-mark there that crossed over her leg horizontally, shallower at the ends but dripping blood down her knee and onto her calf. "I guess I'm not completely alright. Is Strider.." She trailed off before looking around the male and spotting the horse.

"We have quarters for horses in here as well as a stable above the ground...but you think he'd be more comfortable staying around you? That's OK too." She said. Naniko pointed across the chamber to a hallway that sneaked off to the left. "We can go this way to my den...I don't think my sons are home right now, or I'd tell them to stay inside.." She said, frowning. "What about you, though. Are you injured?"

Table by Jenny!

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