fear not the darkness
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There's no tomorrow on this foggy river
OOC ::AWWWW Noah is flirting and don't even know how sweet he is being.

The male could hear the she wolf in there panting, his nose was able to smell the blood. The silver Gen'un could not leave a pack member laying on what could be her death bed. The male gave a soft whine, as he laid his head against the door. He sighed softly as he stood there. What had ever happened to this she wolf had scared her badly. Noah was not even sure if this female would be sickened looking at him. ”I…I won’t….leave…” The Sawtooth male placed his good and only hand against the door.

The silver male wasn’t sure what all he could do to make her feel more assure with letting him in to help treat her, the best that he could. After all Noah was a stargazer and not a healer. He had been studying the art of the night sky since the pack had come to be and not once did his studies say what to do for a wolf that was hurting.

”Please..” He spoke low and slow, hoping that he would somehow gain her trust. Going down to his knees and then placing his stomach onto the ground the male placed his only hand onto the ground as he slipped it under the door, he wasn’t going to break in and loose that privacy that she might need right now, but he was going to let her know that if she wanted to reach out and have someone to talk to about the issues he would be right there, on the other side of the door. ”I…I won’t hurt…you…Promise.” Well he could only hope he would never hurt her.

I always knew some day you'd let me down. I've got troubles on my mind, guess I'm doomed to sail this foggy river
WC :: +000
template by revo. <3


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