you can have my soul for a dance
She couldn't help but smile slightly when he tilted her chin up to gaze into her grey lavender orbs. Zana didn't believe she was worth much in the eyes of many even though her rank alone showed that Ezekiel trusted her to some degree in her duties. She sighed softly and gave in. "And I only believe that because you said it.." She wasn't certain if she could have believed the words from anyone else, considering how strained the inner relations in the pack seemed at times. They were a family, but damned if it wasn't the most disfunctional family she'd ever belonged to.

Her eyes followed him as he disappeared down to the foot of the tree and reappeared with the rabbit. Her eyes shone with slight amusement as he asked if she would like to skin the creature, the bed nest of pelts and fur apparent from the opening to her den. "Yes. This will make a lovely edition to my collection..." She said as she disappeared into the den while Helotes peered in at the various collection of oddball assortments she housed within. It wasn't but a moment of time though before she returned to the entrance with a small shark knife made from the bone of a whale that had washed up onto Hades beach a few years past. She had spent much time on the beach then ignoring the smell of the carcass as she'd widdled many useful objects from the massive bones of the whale.

It was no time at all before she had the skin seperated from the meat. The pelt laid neatly aside, for she knew she would have to tan it before it would be of much use as bedding, though she was thankful of the offer Helotes had granted her just as well. She smiled at her dear friend as she spoke softly, "I missed you.." the offering of dinner laid between them on the limb Helotes sat on as she leaned against the entrance to her den, her eyes on her cousin alone as she admitted the loneliness of her rank at times.

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