10th man down
Firefly smiled at the newcomer as she thanked her for the warm welcome. Firefly might look through a dark mirror at the world, but those in her pack hardly ever saw the darker side unless they wanted or deserved it. She shook out her coat as the lady spoke of her name, with a slight shrug of her shoulders she laughed, "Yeah, I hear that all the time." she replied with a slight smile. She turned her eyes towards Kol as she spoke up, "Anyone else here would have done the same thing.. there's no thanks needed." She grinned at the lady as she settled down to listen to the words she spoke of her old lands.

Firefly had ventured far off over the sea but had never thought to have adventures here in these lands ever. The far off and strange always seemed more exciting to her than what was probably so much alike in these lands with little change but names and faces. She smiled as Kol told her story before she seemed to settle in on the reason for her path taking her here. Firefly turned her face towards the directions of the old lands where Clouded Tears had once been. "When I was tiny I had a friend from Tears.. we ran off together to have our own little adventures. I came back to these lands.. but he's still roaming the lands." She didn't say that her friend was also her half brother, as far as the world was concerned she wasn't a Sadira, and connecting herself to DaVinci would show sooner or later that she was one of the Sadira clan.

Firefly smiled once more before her eyes settled on the rabbit discarded off to the side. Stretching out her legs she rose to collect the prey before dropping it between her and the coal hued lady. "Hungry?" she figured the lady would be, having just arrived after her long journey, she probably didn't know the best hunting spots just yet, but over time she'd learn, they all did.

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