you can have my soul for a dance
She hadn't really thought that there were certain skills that she could perform so much easier than her larger cousins, and with her constant awareness of her size difference she always believed that she failed in all aspects while her cousins strength gave them such an easy path in life. To see it thorough another's eyes would probably surprise her, but knowing the small vixen hued woman she wouldn't believe a word of it either.

Zana watched though as Helotes took the first bite of rabbit, herself using the small sharp knife to cut through a haunch and quietly she began to nibble at the meat. She didn't mind that the rabbit was old, often it was the easier catches that filled her belly, and with how small she was the tiny game was the perfect size for her. She raised her eyes up though when Helotes replied to her comment, her ears flicking back slightly. She had not expected him to bring up the difference in their locations within the clan's lands. She'd chosen long ago to reside in the old oak when she realized that very few places on ground level were safe for one her size. She wouldn't admit that now but it still scared her, almost as much as the idea of residing in the same building as Halo.

She lowered her eyes a moment as she picked at what was left of the haunch she had been consuming as she spoke slowly. "I don't think I'd fit in well in the mansion.. and yet.." Her words died off as she gazed about her strange little home before a sad smile fell upon her lips. "I don't think someone your size would ever feel at home out here.." She'd chosen one of the creepiest locations in the land for her home, the mists that swirled around the pool and her tree were strange enough but there was even more late at night. While she'd grown adjusted to the sounds of the clan lands in the midnight hours she wondered how the rest of the clan would fair in a location such as the one where her den resided.

She had been about to speak again, for she hadn't really given him a real answer but it seemed he hadn't expected one as he changed the conversation once more. She blushed under her fur as she turned her eyes away to toss a bit of meat to Sup-Sup, who was hiding in her nest of furs. It was long enough for one to think she wasn't going to answer until a soft sigh escaped her lips as she turned back to Helotes. "Once.. but my clan's healer women believes that unless conceived early or they were like me.. none would survive." She didn't mention that herself was included in the outcome of childbirth, but after a moment of dawning her ears pinned back against her head as she turned bright eyes on Helotes and demanded. "Why.. why would you ask?" The blush that had creeped up her cheeks was slowly spreading across her whole face.

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